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Alice Bailey: Goals of the New Age

New Age, Alice Bailey, The Plan, 10 Seed Groups, false Christ's,,

Alice Bailey summoned demons to write UN plans!

Lucis Trust Alice BaileyThe woman who coined the term New Age, occultist Alice Bailey, (believing that we were on the threshold of a new spiritual awakening) said that this new enlightened age would come, not around the Christian church, but rather through it. She said the outer layers would be initially kept intact (i.e., Christian terminology would still be used) but the changes would take place obscurely from the inside.1 Is this not what we are witnessing happening today through the NAR, (New Apostolic Reformation), Kingdom Dominion, Purpose Driven, Contemplative, Emerging Church, interfaith church?

Alice Bailey: Goals of the New Age

-By Let Us Reason

Did Alice Bailey believe in a coming Christ?  Oh yes, but not the Christ of the Bible.

“None other than Alice Bailey, the famous occult prophetess who coined the term New Age, made this startling pronouncement: ‘It is, of course, easy to find many passages which link the way of the Christian Knower with that of his brother in the East. They bear witness to the same efficacy of method.’ What did she mean by the term ‘Christian Knower?’ The answer is unmistakable! …

“…Occultism is awakening the mystical faculties to see God as the all in all. In Hinduism, this is called reaching samadhi or enlightenment. It is the final objective of yoga meditation: God in everything—a force or power flowing through all that exists.” Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing, p. 34

Alice Bailey believes the Christian church will help bring about the New Age.

“The goal of the New Age Movement has consistently been to bring in the Age of Aquarius when all will recognize ‘the God within themselves.’ A major step towards this in the words of the New Age prophetess Alice Bailey is

‘the regeneration of the churches.’ Her vision was that… ‘The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished.’

In a word, she desired the time when the ‘Christian churches’ would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization. The New Age plan to bring in world peace cannot fully establish the Golden Age of Aquarius until Biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed.”— Richard Bennett, Can Mysticism Lead to God  

The Plan Let Us Reason Ministries 

Alice Bailey, in an address at the Arcane School Conference in Geneva, Switzerland,   suggested that the “Shamballa force”-the force from the invisible dimensions led by the Lord Maitreya-will be “destructive.” It will also, she said, eject unbelievers from the earth: “The decision to release the Shamballa force during this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one of the final and most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. The Shamballa force is destructive and ejective … inspiring new understanding of The Plan….It is this force … which will bring about that tremendous crisis, the initiation of the race into the mysteries of the ages. (Alice Bailey, The Externalizing the Mysteries, pt.1 p.171)

Exposing The New Age Agenda

New World Order Deception – This film exposes the NWO deception to control humanity and implement a one world satanic religion in honor of the Antichrist. In it you’ll see a Biblical look at the history of fallen angels and it’s relationship to the New World Order and the New Age movement. Topics covered are the fall of mankind, the pre-flood world as Atlantis, the New Age through Theosophy, the fallen angels and their origin of planting the seeds to society, UFO’s, ET’s and abduction cases, demonic possession, channeling, and more. All of these things are explained and predicted in the Bible.  Other parts below.

The New Age’s Connections & Teachings About The New Age Christ

Guess who the unbelievers are? When the Church is removed and they think it is because of the new age Christ it is only then their plan will take shape for a new world order. It was Hitler who spoke of a “thousand year Reich” carrying the concept of the Biblical Millennium. One will have the choice to accept the New Age Messiah, receive the initiation or they will face the other alternative of being ejected. This means destruction. This doesn’t sound like the love and tolerance we have been hearing from those who criticize the Christians for teaching there is only one Christ.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has written,”Christ-consciousness and Christ-abilities are the natural inheritance of every human being on Earth. When the word of this hope has reached the nations, the end of this phase of evolution shall come. All will know their choice. All will be required to choose….. All who choose not to evolve will die off; their souls will begin again within a different planetary system which will serve as kindergarten for the transition from self-centered to whole-centered being. The kindergarten class of Earth will be over. Humankind’s collective power is too great to be inherited by self-centered, infantile people. (Barbara Marx Hubbard Happy Birthday Planet Earth.p.17)

David Spangler teaches that “Christ is the same force as Lucifer… Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator…. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age … each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation … for it is an invitation into the New Age.(David Spangler Reflections on the Christ p.44-45)

Thought Adjusters ig. Change via Fallen Angels

The Urantia Book which is 2,097-pages of profound new age gobbly gook was given by inspiration of higher intelligences. One can learn to invite “Thought Adjusters” (fallen angels) to dwell within them. These Thought Adjusters allow the individual’s Higher Self to experience “the new age” presence of God. This is just another way of entering the Luciferic initiation which is taught in many variables. It doesn’t matter whether one uses the 7 spiritual centers, chakras, visualization, Spirit guides, I am meditation, calling on the violet flame, astral travel, a guru etc. As long as they reach the point of illumination that all is one and receive their mission, the goal is reached.

Bailey teaches that this destructive force would promote a crisis which would lead to the Initiation of the race into the “mysteries of the ages” is revealing. All who refuse the Luciferic Initiation into the New Age are considered unfit to enter the New Age. This will begin a crisis period as the earth is cleansed and purified. Rev.17 speaks about Mystery Babylon that had mystery initiations (the Occult). The Bible addresses this as part of the last empire that raises its fist of defiance against the God of the universe.

Benjamen Creme recently stated on the Art Bell program (July 10, 1998)  “Catholics most Orthodox Christians see the anti-Christ as a man who will come before the Christ and could even be mistaken for the Christ (“right” A. Bell says) will promise the moon to humanity but in fact he is really the devil incarnate. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is not a man, the anti-Christ is an energy a force a destructive force which is deliberately released to break down the old order and to prepare the way for the Christ. It is in revelation in St. John as you know but the beast 666 is unchanged for a time then changed down for a time and a half a time. This refers to what we call the anti-Christ energy it destructive aspect of the first aspect of God…

It has 2 phases in its constructive positive phase it is the will to good in its destructive phase it is what we call the anti Christ . it deliberately released to break down that proceeds the advent of the Christ. It was released in Johns own day through Emperor Nero to bring an end to the Roman dispensation to prepare the way for Christendom. It released again in our time through Hitler a group around him in Nazi Germany together with a group of militarist in Japan and a further group around Mussolini in Italy. And these 3 powers the Axis powers in the war with the allies from 1939 -45 in the body the energy call the anti-Christ. Not just their evil but evil of all humanity from the very beginning.”

“By the defeat of the Axis powers by the allies behind whom stood Maitreya and the forces of light, the spiritual hierarchy of our planet. The masters of wisdom and Maitreya the head, the forces of evil on this planet had defeated , not destroyed, but defeated for the time being so the beast has been released now it must be chained down for a time and half a time that refers to the time the age which is now opening the age of Aquarius.”

This is confusing since The “Tibetan Master Dwaj Khul,” openly promoted the concept of Aryanism to Alice Bailey Which just so happened to be adopted to as a doctrine of Hitler’s Third Reich.

The book of Revelation  which tells us what the end of time will be like also describes to us this beast who is  given power “to make war … to overcome … power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him” (13:5-8).

“The final break or division between the so-called black and white forces, for this particular world cycle, will take place during the period. of the sixth root race in the present round. Towards the close of the sixth root race, before the emergence of the seventh, we shall have the true Armageddon about which so much has been taught. A small cycle, corresponding to this final battle and cleavage, will appear during the sixth subrace which is now in process of formation.” (From A Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey, pages 543-544.)

The Forces of Darkness are powerful energies … they work to prevent the understanding of that which is of the New Age … they hold back the forces of evolution … (Externalisation p. 75) Guess who she is referring to. What did she mean of evolution? That mankind would transform into Godkind. The forces of darkness are not energies but fallen angels who have powers.
Scripture says the gods that have not made the heavens and the earth will perish. If your striving to be a God, this means you will perish.

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New World Order Agenda Exposed – This meticulous study of world history proves beyond reasonable doubt that the elites of earth have a nefarious agenda for world power!
All credit for this video goes to the Leonard Ulrich YouTube channel:…

New World Order Agenda Exposed

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