Though Genesis talks about the dawn of Creation and the good Earth that followed, it focuses on how Creation strayed and who is responsible. This series opener discusses Satan’s emergence and God’s plan to crush him when Satan arises to rule the world at the dusk of human history.  Scriptures give us great visibility on man’s ancient foe.  “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”  An exciting 10 part video series by Zola Levitt Ministries.  Episode 7: The Collapse of an Intoxicated World

Series: “The Dark Prince”

The Dark Prince #7: The Collapse of an Intoxicated World

The Bible informs readers that an intoxicated and disoriented last-days world will collapse and drown in its own depravity. Revelation tells this story, vividly relating how the world will lament the destruction of the evil prince of this world—a demise brought about by the Lord’s return.

Episode: The Collapse of an Intoxicated World


The Dark Prince Session 07

The Dark Prince Session 01 

The Dark Prince Session 02 

The Dark Prince Session 03 

The Dark Prince Session 04 

The Dark Prince Session 05 

The Dark Prince Session 06 

The Dark Prince Session 07 

The Dark Prince Session 08 

The Dark Prince Session 09 

The Dark Prince Session 10 

Though Genesis talks about the dawn of Creation and the good Earth that followed, it focuses on how Creation strayed and who is responsible. This series opener discusses Satan’s emergence and God’s plan to crush him when Satan arises to rule the world at the dusk of human history.

“…For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit…”  Isaiah 14:1-21

About Zola Levitt Ministries

We hold to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on Earth.

The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry.

Zola, What We Do

Founded in 1979, we are principally a teaching and evangelistic association.

  • Our national television programZola Levitt Presents, airs on nearly a hundred independent stations and teaches the Bible with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy, and the Jewish roots of Christianity.
  • Our free monthly Levitt Letter newsletter users gives a concise Biblical perspectivewith updates on recent events in Israel. The Levitt Letter is mailed to almost 40,000 households and 9,200 online per monthly.
  • Our Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies correspondence course teaches the Jewish roots of the Christian faith to more than 3,000 currently-enrolled students.
  • Our online store carries a large number of teaching materials.
  • We offer several tours each year to Israel, Greece and locations in the U.S.
  • We offer speakers for churches, civic groups, university conferences and the like to speak on the subject of the Holy Land, End-times Prophecy, and general bible discussions.

Zola Levitt Ministries has sent hundreds of books to the Holy Land and planted thousands of trees throughout Israel.

Zola Levitt was the most beloved and well-known Messianic Jewish Bible teacher and Middle East commentator of his day. He was a Jewish Christian thoroughly educated in the synagogues and brought to the Messiah in 1971. He held music degrees from Duquesne University and Indiana University (doctoral coursework completed), and an Honorary Th.D. from Faith Bible College. He played the oboe, English horn, recorder, and piano.

He is best known for hosting the weekly national television program Zola Levitt Presents. He formerly hosted two top-rated radio talk shows — The Heart of the Matter in Dallas, and the nationally syndicated Zola Levitt Live.

Zola was a widely published author with more than 50 books in several languages, and the composer of some 200 spiritual songs, personally performed on most of his albums.

Zola lectured and hosted on more than 100 tours to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, the areas of the seven churches, Mediterranean islands, European capitals, etc. He taught a course on “Christ in the Old Testament” at Dallas Baptist University and gave seminars at other education institutions.

Zola Levitt, founder and patriarch of Zola Levitt Ministries, died peacefully on April 19, 2006 at his home in Dallas, Texas, following a courageous two-month battle with lung cancer. He was 67 years old.

Those he left behind mourn his passing but celebrate his “promotion the Head Office.” They include his beloved wife Sandra; a son Mark, who takes the lead in administrating this ever-expanding worldwide ministry; a son Aaron, who participates behind the scenes, helping with writing, editing, and more; and a stepson Will. With Ken Berg—Zola’s faithful producer of 28 years—and a dedicated staff of professionals, the Levitt legacy continues, as it will until the Second Coming of our Lord.

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