Hi, I’m Joshua Toupos and Christian Apologist for Amos37 Ministries. Here you will find some of the best resources for Evangelism. It is our sincere hope that you will go through the videos and engage the culture in being Salt & Light (Matthew 5:13-16) as Christ Jesus our Lord commands us. Repetition is a good teacher.
These are powerful metaphors. Salt is a preservative that works when it penetrates into food and becomes useless when contaminated by other chemical substances. It must remain pure to do its job. Jesus says that Christians, likewise, must penetrate society while keeping themselves from being influenced by sin in the world.
Similarly, light penetrates the darkness. To know the truth and fail to stand for it, Jesus says, is as senseless as lighting a lamp and putting it under a basket. -Christian Citizenship
Hello friends,
Please do not evangelize children younger than the age of reading comprehension.
Because accepting Jesus at age six, the natural progression from being saved as a newborn babe in Christ who hungers to read the Word for comprehension and obedience to it was thwarted by the inability to read and comprehend.
Afterwards, I led a Christian life completely without reading the Bible again with a view to comprehension for obedience to it, sinned greatly, and am heading to hell after I die in a few weeks.
All the while, I looked like a great Christian church member, attending all services, playing piano for the worship team, all without truly following Jesus in a personal relationship of Bible reading and obedience to God.
This is a trap of the devil – to lead children to Christ who are younger than the age of reading comprehension. It is almost necessary to prevent such young children from hearing the gospel and accepting Christ, for their souls’ sake.
Thanks, Carilyn,
On a more serious note: I hear your cry and there is much deception with Easy Believism and more… Are you sick? Do you think it is too late for you to receive Grace & Mercy from God? No Carilyn it is not even the Theif on the Cross cried out to God for mercy when just hours before mocked Jesus.
We would greatly like to help you with this. How can we pray for you? We post a daily devotion from one of my former Bible Instructors by Bob Hoekstra on the Grace of God. Repent and you can be with Him in paradise just as the scriptures say, The adversary of your soul is lying to you. We post to our Facebook page daily.