The Good Files,Spiritual Warfare,Darkness Exposesd,

Wow, I prayed about this topic some years ago for God to teach me about Spiritual Warfare, and it’s been an up-and-down battle (when I try to do things in my own power, will, and understanding).  I thought it good to introduce you to a friend whose expertise and tireless research on Current Events and The Players are shaping our world for The Coming Antichrist. Will call it The Good Files.  Check back regularly for his keyboard is ever busy.

“The lovingkindnesses of Yahweh indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail.  [They] are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”  [Lamentations 3:22-23 LSB]

I knew it was a scary prayer for me because I knew God would take me, and allow things to unfold that would help me understand “Things Unseen”.  Lately, there has been a lot of talk with elections about the “Deep State”, this unseen element within the political machinery that is guiding policy.  Well, I began to ponder within my turbulent life of things outside my control and what we have witnessed within The Church and Global Politics.  Here are our guiding scriptures below.  -Josh

Joshua Toupos

About The Enemy & Spiritual Warfare, Amos37 Ministries

The Good Files Learning Tracks:  World News Updates, Prophetic Discernment & Biblical Separation.


The Good Files are broken into Three Learning Tracks:  Links for each topic is a list of pdf files with links and an introduction by our friend.  Just click or tap images to go to new articles. Like what you saw, leave a comment, and rate the content of this article.  Most of these will update frequently and allow you to download a furious amount of World News Updates, Prophetic Discernment, and Biblical Separation Series.

the good files,world events update,bible prophecy news,
the good files,biblical separation series,how to live in the last days,
the good files,spiritual,prophetic,discernment,series,