Kabbalah Mysticsm New Age Gnostic Serpent KnowledgeChristian Mysticism and the Original Lie… The Origin of Hidden Knowledge
Has God said?  spoke the serpent the ole devil to Eve in Genesis 3:1-7
All lies have their origin here.  Truly God has told us the end from the beginning.  Isaiah 46:9-10
“Remember the former things of old: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else; [I am] God, and [there is] none like me,  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…”

Christian Mysticism and the Original Lie

Written & Compiled by Joshua Toupos

What is the goal of Mysticism in all it’s forms.  “Unity”  via Syncretism.  It is the desire of Satan to be worshiped We find it in all false religious systems.  For Satan is the father of lies.  John 8:44

[bctt tweet=”Tracing Babylon & Christian Mysticism and adding to Gods word.  You will find deception”]

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”  Isaiah 14:12-14

The bible describes a world leader coming who will be the infamous antichrist.  In a nutshell he will be a One world leader who will have a One world economic system and most importantly to him will be a One world religion where he claims to be god.  Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 John 2, 2 John 7, Revelation 13, 17, 18, 19:20 & 20:4.   Mysticism will be the path to unite all world religions.  It has the original promises of the father of lies who is the author of them all.  And like a great conductor who will tap his little stick when brought to the front of all mankind he will take all the world religions with their tuning, clanging and chirping.  He will bring harmony to this world promising peace, but inwardly he is a deceiver.

Now lets review how one element of this is penetrating the Church in the form of Mysticism.  Jewish mystics after the fall of Jerusalem no longer had a temple for sacrifices.  For without without shedding of blood is no remission.  Hebrews 9:22-28  Because Jesus did it ONCE at the cross forever but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.  This situation changed drastically, however, mainly as the result of the destruction of the Jewish commonwealth and the Second Temple in the year 70 CE and the consequent upheaval of Jewish social and legal norms. As the Rabbis were required to face a new reality—mainly Judaism without a Temple.

Extra Biblical Revelation, Not exactly building on the Rock

Scripture TwistingScriptures are clear about trusting God, about not adding or taking away from His word.  Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Luke 6:46-49, 1 Corinthians 3:8-15, & Revelation 22:7-9.  The mandate as it was in the beginning is to trust Gods word which Adam & Eve failed to do thus bringing doubt which is antithesis to faith.  Consider what the Lord Jesus said when the crowds marveled over His provision.

Jesus answered them and said,
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.  Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.  Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?  Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. John 6:26-29

Now lets look at the shifting sand of men who wrote much of this after the apostolic age and the canon was closed.  Why quote from sources and build doctrine from men who are not Christian?  They are not saved and have rather rejected the Messiah for reams of endless babble.  Today much of the Church has rejected sound doctrine 2 Timothy 4:3 and opened the door to the “Transformation of the Church” through mystical practices.  The spiritual void of NOT trusting God’s word is eventually filled by Mysticism.  You will see that the notes for this series are attached below.  You will see the occult content here and find it being taught in Church as Hebrew Roots.  Yikes!  You decide.

The Roots of Enlightenment, The Kabbalah & The Zohar

Spirit of Antchirst in Churches PergamosThe title First Book of Enoch suggests that there is a Second Book too. This is a text on the lives of Enoch and his descendants; it is only known to us in a Slavonic translation and it is not known when it was written.. The Third Book of Enoch was written in the fifth/sixth century and describes how the second-century rabbi Ishmael journeyed into heaven and saw God’s throne and chariot. This work has influenced the Zohar, the sacred book of Kabbala.  The Kabbalah is also known as the tree of life.  Promising the lies of enlightenment.  This is some of the shifting foundation of false teachers in the Hebrew Roots Movement.  This appeals to man centered theology and elitism. I know something you don’t know is the root of enlightenment.  It makes for puffy teachers.   Using extra biblical sources outside of the bible.  Historically we can do something like this that corroborates scripture.  But to build doctrine on books compiled after the resurrection by unbelieving Jewish Mystics is folly.  We generally see the same among false teachers is truth mixed with error and of course the all knowing experience!

History of The Kabbalah

Source Wikipdedia:Kabbala

Tree of Life

Kabbalah Tree of lifeKabbalah is an interpretation (exegesis, hermeneutic) key, “soul” of the Torah (Hebrew Bible), or the religious mystical system of Judaism claiming an insight into divine nature.

The term “Kabbalah” was originally used in Talmudic texts, among the Geonim, and by early Rishonim as a reference to the full body of publicly available Jewish teaching. In this sense Kabbalah was used in referring to all of known Oral Law. Over time it became a reference to doctrines of esoteric knowledge concerning God, God’s creation of the universe and the laws of nature, and the path by which adult religious Jews can learn these secrets.

Kabbalah, according to the more recent use of the word, stresses the esoteric reasons and understanding of the commandments in the Torah, and the occult cause of events described in the Torah. Kabbalah includes the understanding of the spiritual spheres of creation, and the ways by which God administers the existence of the universe.

According to Jewish tradition dating from the 13th century, this knowledge has come down as a revelation to elect saints from a remote past, and preserved only by a privileged few. It is considered part of the Jewish Oral Law by the majority of religious Jews in modern times, although this was not agreed upon by many Talmudic and medieval scholars, as well as many modern liberal rabbis and a minority of Orthodox rabbis.

The Zohar Connection

I listened to this man teaching (Brent Avery of Maranatha Evangelistic Ministries) on the book of Revelation and he kept bringing up mystical literature and the fact that he was told he was glowing while in Israel.  My friends attended this church where the pastor invited this man to teach on Revelation.  I eagerly listened and was greatly disturbed as he shredded the audiences beliefs of sound doctrine and fed them pseudo Jewish mysticism.  He passes off this teaching and quotes from Jewish mystics of the Zohar & Kaballah as “The Sages”.  This is code for not biblical!  Notes & Audio Series Here.  An experience!  Twice in his audio series he used the “God spoke to me…”  Really, then this is from God and then we quote non canonical literature?  It was not an exposistional study with Hebrew roots at all. So we looked into the sources and found a very troubling trend to the mystical which has its roots all the way back to Babylon.

Evangelist Brent Avery’s use of Jewish terms albeit mystical sources.  It was clear after many hours of lecture he was drawing from some stream of nonsense.  A wild blend of personal experiences, extra biblical revelation sprinkled with Hebrew terms.  Especially fixated with aspects of the merkabah (the heavenly Throne-Chariot of Ezekiel), The Priesthood, And the troubling occult use of “As above, so below“.  I submit to you this is not Christian at all but a blend of Christian doctrine heavily influenced by mystical writings.

The Zohar Shimon bar YochaiThe Zohar is a fascinating book written by Shimon bar Yochai, a Rabbi of the 2nd century during the Roman persecution in the years following the Roman army’s tragic destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in a.d. 70, and his son Rabbi Eliezer.  Why?  They had no temple and the no way to deal with the sin problem after rejecting Messiah.  As the author of Hebrews states…

“And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.”  Hebrews 9:22

They quite simply are not hearing from God, but are following doctrines of demons. Visions, messages, and esoteric meanings from extra biblical resources follow.

Source for Zohar Connection

THE Zohar (lit. = ‘Shining’ or ‘Brightness’ from the word in Daniel, xii. 3–“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament”) is, par excellence, the textbook of Jewish mediæval mysticism. Its language is partly Aramaic and partly Hebrew. While purporting to be but a commentary on the Pentateuch, it is, in reality, quite an independent compendium of Kabbalistic theosophy. Its style, its subject-matter, its spirit lead the reader into realms which bear hardly any conceivable resemblance to the manner and substance of the Pentateuch.  Tell me Brent Avery is not heavily influenced by these Jewish (unbelieving) Mystics?!  See this site that promotes New Age anything goes & Christian Mysticism!

The Zohar compares well with the Talmud in one respect. They are both painfully unsystematic in the handling of their subject-matter. Both present us with a bizarre medley of ideas and facts, an ill-assorted conglomeration of history and fable, truth and fiction, serious comment which has a value for all time and observations which  the march of time asks us to dismiss as outworn and valueless. Both works, too, cover a long stretch of time.  It’s like there was NO Temple for sacrifices, hmmm.

The Zohar is a pseudepigraphic work. It is impossible, in the present book, to give the reader even the faintest outlines of the literature written by Jews of many countries and many centuries, on the vexed question of the authorship of the Zohar. It pretends to be the record of a direct Divine revelation to Rabbi Simeon ben Yoḥai (born in Galilee 2nd century A.D.); and it is mainly written in the form of a series of utterances from the mouth of Simeon to his disciples, who believed him to be conveying to them the truths which he had received first-hand from Heaven. (Note that is post Crucifixion) Criticism has long ago demonstrated the utter untenability of this view. The Zohar made its first appearance in Spain in the 13th century, and its contents show incontestably that not alone must the work, as a whole, be considerably later than the 2nd century (although many an idea and doctrine certainly does go as far back as that, and further too), but that it could not possibly be the production of a single author or a single period of history.

It is, like the Yetsirah book, a syncretism. Many civilisations, many faiths, and many philosophies went to the making of it. All these were, in some instances, taken in their original state and incorporated in the work, while, in other instances, they found room in it only after they had passed through the crucible of the Jewish mind and had thus become ‘judaised’ in the process. But that a goodly proportion of it is the development of many a doctrine embodied in the Talmud and Midrashim, there cannot be the least doubt. To ask whether this or that doctrine of Talmudic literature is indigenous to the Talmud or has its source elsewhere, is, of course, quite another matter. But that it reached the Zohar from the Talmud and Midrashim and their progeny, directly, is certain.

Where the foreign elements are drawn from is a fruitful subject of speculation amongst scholars. There is general admission, however, that Neoplatonism (Neoplatonism combined ideas from Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and the Stoics with oriental mysticism. Predominant in pagan Europe until the early 6th century, it was a major influence on early Christian writers, on later medieval and Renaissance thought, and on Islamic philosophy. It envisages the human soul rising above the imperfect material world through virtue and contemplation toward knowledge of the transcendent One.)  and Gnosticism are responsible for much.

And to this must be added a newer theory, which finds echoes of Persian Sūfism (Mystical Islam) in the Zohar. The sūfi mystics were very numerous in Persia from the 8th century onwards, and it is maintained that the Jews of Persia, influenced by Sūfism, transmitted to the Jews of Spain (who were very numerous, very influential, and very distinguished in learning from the 10th to the 15th century) many mystical interpretations of esoteric tenets which in various shapes found an entrance into the Zohar.  (Source) Jewish Mysticism Ch. VI

About the Kabbalah 

About the Kabbalah
The rabbis of the Talmud regarded the mystical study of God as important yet dangerous. A famous talmudic story tells of four rabbis, Azzai, Ben Zoma, Elisha ben Abuyah, and Akiva who would meet together and engage in mystical studies. Azzai, the Talmud records, “looked and went mad [and] Ben Zoma died.” Elisha ben Abuyah became a heretic and left Judaism. Rabbi Akiva alone “entered in peace and left in peace.” It was this episode, the later experiences of individuals who became mentally unbalanced while engaging in mystical activities, and the disaster of the false Messiah Shabbetai Zevi that caused seventeenth-century rabbis to legislate that kabbalah should be studied only by married men over forty who were also scholars of Torah and Talmud. The medieval rabbis wanted the study of kabbalah limited to people of mature years and character.

The Zohar is written in Aramaic (the language of the Talmud) in the form of a commentary on the five books of the Torah. Whereas most commentaries interpret the Torah as a narrative and legal work, mystics are as likely to interpret it “as a system of symbols which reveal the secret laws of the universe and even the secrets of God” (Deborah Kerdeman and Lawrence Kushner, The Invisible Chariot, p. 90).

A New Age Doctrine of Messiah from the Kabbalah

New Age Messiah Connection

Kabbalah Mysticsm New Age Gnostic Serpent KnowledgeIn its anthropology the Cabala generally adopts the tenets of Talmudic and Gaonic mysticism, so that its new developments may be summarized briefly. Earthly man is a type of the prototype Adham kadhmon, and thus comprises within himself all that the ideal creation contains. He is, therefore, a microcosm. The Cabala also teaches the dual nature of man, who consists of body and soul. Every member has its symbolic meaning, while the body, as the garment of the soul, typifies the merkabah (the heavenly Throne-Chariot of Ezek. i., x.). The soul, however, is far superior to the body, since it is derived from the divine all-soul, and through the “canals” (zinnoroth) can influence the intellectual world and draw down its blessings to the lower world. It appears under the three designations of nefesh, ruah, and neshamah. The first is blind impulse, the second is the seat both of good and evil impulses, and the third is able to unite with God sad the kingdom of light.

More connections to the Mystical Kabblah:  Hekhalot literature

The Hekhalot literature (sometimes transliterated Heichalot) from the Hebrew word for “Palaces”, relating to visions of ascents into heavenly palaces. The genre overlaps with Merkabah or “Chariot” literature, concerning Ezekiel’s chariot, so the two are sometimes referred to together as “Books of the Palaces and the Chariot” (ספרות ההיכלות והמרכבה). The Hekhalot literature is a genre of of Jewish esoteric and revelatory texts produced sometime between late antiquity, some believe possibly from Talmudic times and earlier, to the early Middle Ages.

EZEKIEL’S “CHARIOT” Revelation Zohar Connection

The aspects of God that He reveals to us are found in the lower heavens/firmaments, including nature and in man himself – who is of course, made in the image of God. These concepts will be studied in detail later in this study.

The next firmament (below the En Sof), which is the “highest” Ezekiel was able to “look into,” is associated with the first He (pronounced “Hay”) in Y-H-V-H. The level below this is related to the letter Vav, and the level below that (“closest” to the earth) is associated with the second He:

Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 21a – But there is also a firmament above the heavens of which it is written, “and a likeness upon the heads of the Hayyah, a firmament like the ice, etc.” (Ezek. I, 22). This is the first He’ beyond which it is impossible for the human mind to penetrate, because what is further is enveloped in the thought of God, which is elevated above the comprehension of man. If that which is within the Thought cannot be comprehended, how much less the Thought itself! What is within the Thought no one can conceive, much less can one know the En Sof, of which no trace can be found and to which thought cannot reach by any means.

The Zohar goes on to explain that the firmament Ezekiel saw just above the four living creatures (where the throne was present) is not the highest firmament (of Eyn Sof). Further, the reason Ezekiel called this the likeness of a throne (rather than simply “a throne”), is that there is a different Supernal throne of God above this.

What Ezekiel was allowed to see is an emanation of God:

Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 217b – “And above the firmament that was over their heads was as the appearance of a sapphire stone, the likeness of a throne” (Ezek. I, 26). This firmament’, said R. Simeon, ‘is the lower firmament, as you, Companions, have explained. Happy is my portion and happy is your portion, since as regards the supernal firmament there is no one who can ever discern it. Above that lower firmament, then, there is that “sapphire stone”, that precious jewel by which it is adorned. It says, “the likeness of a throne”, and not “the throne”. For there is throne and throne. The term “the throne” would signify the Supernal Throne, which is undisclosed and beyond all knowledge and comprehension. Hence it says here “a throne”, to wit, a lower throne.

As previously stated, Scripture shows that the Tabernacle/Temple and its artifacts, including the garments of the Priests, were made in the image of what Moses was shown existed in the heavenly realm. The Zohar directly associates the ephod and breastplate of the Priest with the vision of the heavenlies as seen by Ezekiel:

Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 231b – Observe that the ephod and breastplate were “behind and before”, and so the Priest, when clothed in them, resembled the supernal pattern. As has already been said, when his face was illumined and the letters stood out brightly, then a message was thereby conveyed to him. For this reason the breastplate and the ephod were tied together; and although they had distinct functions, they had the same symbolism and were therefore united by the four rings that held them together, back and front. They thus symbolize the Chariots which are united from below to those above, and the whole symbolizes the Ofanim and Hayoth (Wheels and Sacred Beasts).

As discussed earlier, in the study of Metatron, there are also two heavenly Temples (and High Priests) in addition to that established here on the earth. One is in the realm Ezekiel could see into, which in the Zohar is called Metatron’s Tabernacle, and has the angel Michael as its High Priest. There is a higher Temple above this however, with a Supernal High Priest.

Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 159a – ‘From this we see that the Holy One, blessed be He, actually gave Moses all the arrangements and all the shapes of the Tabernacle, each in its appropriate manner, and that he saw Metatron ministering to the High Priest within it. It may be said that, as the Tabernacle above was not erected until the Tabernacle below had been completed, that “youth” (Metatron) could not have served above before Divine worship had taken place in the earthly Tabernacle. It is true that the Tabernacle above was not actually erected before the one below; yet Moses saw a mirroring of the whole beforehand, and also Metatron, as he would be later when all was complete. The Holy One said to him: “Behold now, the Tabernacle and the ‘Youth’; all is held in suspense until the Tabernacle below shall have been built.” It should not be thought, however, that Metatron himself ministers; the fact is, that the Tabernacle belongs to him, and Michael, the High Priest, it is that serves there, within the Metatron’s Tabernacle, mirroring the function of the Supernal High Priest above, serving within that other Tabernacle, that hidden one which never is revealed, which is connected with the mystery of the world to come. There are two celestial Tabernacles: the one, the supernal concealed Tabernacle, and the other, the Tabernacle of the Metatron. And there are also two priests: the one is the primeval Light, and the other Michael, the High Priest below.

As Above, So Below (Just google it…)  It’s not Christian!


As we have seen earlier in this study, both the Scriptures and extra-Biblical Hebrew texts show that the earthly Tabernacle and its elements were designed by Moses, from the pattern of their heavenly counterparts.
In our study on the spiritual elements, we showed a relationship between spiritual time and space, particularly with regard to the physical Tabernacle/Temple.
In this section we will continue to examine the idea that the physical elements on earth have heavenly counterparts in that the heavenly realms and angels correspond to nations and kings. We will also look at the principle that events taking place on earth in physical time, are preceded by corresponding events in the heavenly realms.
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 197a – Observe that God has made the earthly kingdom after the pattern of the heavenly kingdom, and whatever is done on earth has been preceded by its prototype in heaven.

Hermetic beliefs



As stated above In Hermetic religion the supreme Deity, or Principle, is referred to variously as ‘God’, ‘The All’, or ‘The One’. The absolute is the central focus of Hermeticism and therefore it is difficult to assign it a position among the traditional Theistic religions, or along the monotheistic and polytheistic spectrum.
Hermeticism transcends both Monotheism and Polytheism as well as Deism and Pantheism within its belief system, which teaches that there is a transcendent God, The All, or The One, of which we, and the entire universe, participate. Also it subscribes to the notion that other beings such as gods and angels, and elementals exist in the Universe.

Classical elements

Baphomet So it is above, so it is below OccultMain article: Classical elements
The four classical elements of earth, water, air, and fire are used often in alchemy, and are alluded to several times in the Corpus Hermeticum.
As above, so below
“As Above, So Below” redirects here. For the Klaxons song, see As Above, So Below (song). For the Tom Tom Club song, see Tom Tom Club (album).

The Magician displaying the Hermetic concept of as above, so below.
These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles, and they come from Hermetic texts. The concept was first laid out in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, in the words “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing”.[20]
In accordance with the various levels of reality: physical, emotional, and mental, this relates that what happens on any level happens on every other. This is however more often used in the sense of the microcosm and the macrocosm. The microcosm is oneself, and the macrocosm is the universe. The macrocosm is as the microcosm, and vice versa; within each lies the other, and through understanding one (usually the microcosm) you can understand the other.[42]

Hermetic Gnosis: Secrets of Spiritual Hermeticism

Hermetic brotherhoods

Once Hermeticism was no longer endorsed by the Christian Church it was driven underground and a number of Hermetic societies were formed. The Western esoteric tradition is now heavily steeped in Hermeticism. The work of such writers as Pico Della Mirandola, who attempted to reconcile Jewish Kabbalah and Christian mysticism, brought Hermeticism into a context more easily understood by Europeans in the Renaissance.
A few primarily Hermetic occult orders were founded in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Hermetic magic underwent a nineteenth century revival in Western Europe,[50] where it was practiced by people and within groups such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aurum Solis, Ragon, Kenneth M. Mackenzie, Eliphas Lévi, Frederick Hockley, William Butler Yeats, and Arthur Machen.[51] Many Hermetic, or Hermetically influenced, groups exist today, most of which are derived from the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism or Freemasonry.

As Above So Below, Hermetic Influence


Mystery Babylon, The Chaldean Religion

blavatsky-zeitgeistAccording to two authoritative sources, H.P. Blavatsky and the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Jews also acquired from the Chaldeans their doctrines of Eastern mysticism. These were later developed into a written compendium of esoteric literature known as the Jewish Qabbalah or Kabalah, and in the Middle Ages as the Latin Cabala.

“Kabalah (Heb.) The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon. All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic.” (Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary, p. 168)

“The Pythagorean idea of the creative powers of numbers and letters, upon which the ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ is founded, and which was known in tannaitic times…is here proved to be an old cabalistic conception. In fact, the belief in the magic power of the letters of the Tetragrammaton and other names of the Deity…seems to have originated in Chaldea (see Lenormant, ‘Chaldean Magic,’ pp. 29, 43). Whatever, then, the theurgic Cabala was …, the very fact that Abraham, and not a Talmudical hero like Akiba, is introduced in the ‘Sefer Yetzirah,’ at the close, as possessor of the Wisdom of the Alphabet, indicates an old tradition, if not the antiquity of the book itself…

“The whole dualistic system of good and of evil powers, which goes back to Zoroastrianism and ultimately to old Chaldea, can be traced through Gnosticism; having influenced the cosmology of the ancient Cabala before it reached the medieval one…

“The gradual condensation of a primal substance into visible matter, a fundamental doctrine of the Cabala, … is the ancient Semitic conception of the ‘primal ocean,’ known to the Babylonians as ‘Apsu’ (compare Jastrow, ‘Religion of Babylonia’), and called by the Gnostics βύθος =  (Anz, ‘Die Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnostizismus,’ p. 98).”

The Chaldean religious tradition that was embraced by apostate Jews during their captivity in Babylon was delivered to subsequent generations by word of mouth. According to Blavatsky, these disseminators of the Chaldean tradition in the few centuries before Christ were known as Tanaim:

“Kabalist. From Q B L H, Kabala, an unwritten or oral tradition. The kabalist is a student of ‘secret science’, one who interprets the hidden meaning of the Scriptures with the help of the symbolical Kabala… The Tanaim were the first kabalists among the Jews; they appeared at Jerusalem about the beginning of the third century before the Christian era… This secret doctrine is identical with the Persian wisdom, or ‘magic’.” (Ibid. p.167)

The dictionary defines the Medieval Latin cabala as derived from the Hebrew word “qabblâ” which means “received doctrine, tradition, from qibbl, to receive.” According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Cabalists claimed to have received these oral traditions, not from ancient Chaldeans, but from the Patriarchs and Prophets “by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

“Cabala comprised originally the entire traditional lore, in contradistinction to the written law (Torah), and therefore included the prophetic and hagiographic books of the Bible, which were supposed to have been ‘received’ by the power of the Holy Spirit rather than as writings from God’s hand… Each ‘received’ doctrine was claimed as tradition from the Fathers…to be traced back to the Prophets or to Moses on Sinai… The chief characteristic of the Cabala is that, unlike the Scriptures, it was entrusted only to the few elect ones;…’”


Brent Avery and others who promote Hebrew Roots by using Jewish Mystics and extra biblical sources are not to be trusted.  It is the candy of the serpent who promises enlightenment to the a special class of Christians.  It is as we documented rooted in the occult and Mystery Babylon schools of enlightenment.  New Age is not New!  Alice Bailey stated it was the goal of the New Age to be ushered in by a transformed Church!  We personally know several people who had their faith shaken by this pseudo Hebrew Roots.  What we can learn from our Hebrew Roots is a solid understanding of History of the Old Testament, Hebrew language and Customs that help us understand the times it was written.  Not Mystical mumbo jumbo.  See our Series on Sound Biblical Interpretation.

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Notes & Outline from Brent Avery’s Magical Mystery Tour. LSD not included.

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  • Date: Monday, March 26, 2012
  • Speaker: Brent Avery
  • Series: Revelation Series

In our last session we looked at:
I. The Apostle of the Revelation (John, A Prophet in exile.)
II. The Appointed Time of the Revelation (The Day of Atonement)
One last question to be asked: Was it on a Sunday?
Genesis 1:3-5 Yom Echad / Day one
Zechariah 14:6-7 Yom Echad / Unique Day
From the use of these terms Brent’s conclusion is that the answer is _______.
III. The Anointed High Priest of the Revelation
We saw Jesus wearing the four High Priestly garments of Yom Kippur.
The critical context: John sees Jesus on the Day of Atonement in a Jubilee Year bring a mes-sage of Redemption, the end of the exile. The context of the Day of Atonement and
the Jubilee sets the context for the rest of the book. Its terms and descriptions must be under-stood in light of what we know about the ministry of the High Priest, the Day of Atonement and the Jubilee Year of Redemption.
Study #1: The Book of the High Priest…Hebrews
a. I Corinthians 10:1-12 “upon whom the end of the ages has come”
b. Hebrews 1:1-4 “the radiance of God’s glory”
c. Hebrews 3:1-8, 12 “the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.”
d. Hebrews 8:1-2 “we have such a High Priest…at the right hand of God”
What’s the Point?
The point is you have every reason to NOT FALL AWAY.
We have a Great High Royal Priest:
A High Priest that will ________________ die!
A Royal King who is _______________ _________________!
Study #2
The Blemishes of the Bible
a. Texts we need to study: Jude 3-21, II Peter 2:13
b. Three Things These Blemishes Do:
1. They change the grace of God into a _________________to sin.
2. They eventually lead people into___________________.
3. They lead people to reject the _________________ prophetic Word of God.
They destroy faith!
The Three Blemishes Named:
1. The Way of ______________ A life controlled by passion and emotion.
2. The ____________ of Balaam Cursing what God has blessed and idolatry.
3. The Rebellion of ___________. The rejection of Gods Divinely placed authorities.
We will use the first letter to the Church in Ephesus as our model to understand the
structure and message of these prophetic letters:
1. The Stated Address
2. The Stated Author
3. The Statement of Awareness:
4. The Statement of Acclamation
5. The Statement of Admonition
6. The Call to Hear the Spirit
7. The Promise of the Overcomers Reward
The letters contain an sobering warning and challenge to the Called Out Assemblies.
It is a warning against false prophets, pseudo teachers and outright deception.
A. Four Texts Warning Texts:
1. Revelation 2:2-3 The False Prophets and False Apostles
a. Yeshua warns of the influence of “pseudo” prophets: Lies and Falsehood
b. The desperate need of the Church: ________________________!
2. Revelation 2:6 The Nicolaitan Apostates
Q. Who are the Nicolaitans?
A. Acts 6:1-6 Nicholas was one of the first seven _______________.
Nicholas and Balaam: Two of a kind: __________________.
3. Revelation 2:14-15 The Treacherous Teachers
Take Note: Jesus “HATES their deception.
Their perversion is called a ________________.
Teachings come from ___________________.
4. Revelation 2:19-20 How They Lead People Astray
They reject the Leading of Gods Spirit… in favor of emotions
They reject the Call to Holiness… in favor of wholly accepting the world.
They rebel against the Authority of Gods Word
Three reasons this book is closed…for some:
1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3.________________
The Good News is it CAN be opened!
We must hate the Way of Cain and love Jesus who is _____________!
We must renounce the lies of Balaam and confess Jesus who is _____________!
We must abandon the death of Korah’s rebellion and accept Jesus who is ____________!


A. The Prophetic Events Described in the 7 Letters fall in to one or more of the
following categories:
a. Events for the _______________. _____________ judgments.
b. Events for the _______________.
c. Prophetic ___________________.
B. 7 Refiner events: (This list is not exhaustive.)
1. Removal of Lampstands Rev. 2:5
2. Ten Day Test Rev. 2:10
3. War with Korah’s Klan Rev. 2:16
4. Jezebels Bed of Suffering Rev. 2:22
5. Caught Like a Thief in the Night Rev. 3:3
6. Synagogue of Satan comes to Bow Rev. 3:9
7. The Hour of Testing for the World Rev. 3:10
C. 7 Promises of Reward for the Overcomer
1. The Tree of Life
2. The Crown of Life
3. The New Name
4. The Morning Star
5. The Garments of White
6. A Pillar in Gods Temple
7. A Place on Gods Throne
A. The Quest for Objectivity begins with being honest about how we arrived at our current views of
1. Heredity or Hermeneutics?
2. Denominational Bias or Devoted Bible Study?
3. Studied Persons or Personal Study?
4. Studied Objections or Objective Study?
5. Gods faithful heart or your fearful human heart?
B. The not so unique experience of John
“a door standing open” Where have I seen this before?
1. John 1:51 Jacobs Ladder and Jesus
2. Previous Experiences: Paul, Ezekiel, Isaiah,
The precedent MUST determine the conclusion.
C. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Dilemma
English: Rapture Greek: Harpazo (#726) Latin: Raptus
Definition: To catch away or be forcefully caught up.
The REAL question is not is there a rapture, but is it separate from the Second Coming of Christ?
D. An Exegetical Look at I Thessalonians 4:13-18
13. But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so
that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.
Context: The ___________ in Christ.
14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him
those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.
Context: How can Jesus bring the dead WITH HIM if they have yet been resurrected?
Answer: The __________ returns to the _________ but the Spirit_________ to God.
15. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until
the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.
Context: The resurrection must occur before the ___________ ______.
16. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of {the}
archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Context: The dead rise ahead of the living. The resurrection precedes the
17. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
Context: The _______ are the saints who are alive at the time of Christ’s return.
18. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Context: The “comfort” we have is that we need not worry about those who
have _______ in ____________ before His return.
The Context: Paul addresses the _______ _____________ of Believers when Christ returns. Some are
dead and some are alive. He describes how ONE event, the Second “Parousia” of Christ gathers all of
His elect. The context teaches 1 event not 2!
E. What is the Parousia of Christ?
Greek word: parousia (#3952)Paul uses this term 7 times in I and II Thessalonians.
How the word is used by the Apostles:
1. II Peter 1:16-18
Context: Parousia (coming) has nothing to do with arriving on the mountain, but about what took place on
the mountain when they were ___________with Christ.
2. II Corinthians 10:10-11
Context: Paul is refers to the difference in his tone when he is present verses when he is _____________.
Point: Parousia is a word that addresses the result of someone’s presence and not just the act of their
returning. Thus the Second Coming is actually the Second Presence of Christ.
F. Paul’s Two Parallel Subjects:
The Day of the LORD and The Second Presence of Christ
I Thessalonians 5:1-4 The Day of the LORD comes like a ________ in the night.
Context: Paul has just been describing the Parousia of Christ in Chapter
Four. He then uses the “Day of the LORD” as a synonym for the
Second Coming of Christ. (The Second Presence)
II. Thessalonians 2:1-2
Context: Paul once again uses the Parousia of Christ synonymously with the Day of the LORD.
G. A Little Logic Goes Along Way
IF the resurrection cannot occur _________ the full second presence of Christ AND the _____________
cannot occur UNTIL after the resurrection of Christ AND the ____ of lawlessness must be revealed
BEFORE the second presence of Christ… Then HOW can so many in Christianity teach a resurrection/
rapture before the tribulation?
H. One last Scripture. Revelation 4:20
Question: If the souls who die during the tribulation come to life at the “first
____________ then how can the resurrection occur before the tribulation?
Whatever you decide about the timing of this event…remain faithful until He comes!

A. “Come up here” for purpose of receiving the Revelation.
The Throne is the sets the stage for EVERYTHING.
B. Q. Where are we?
A. 1. The Makom Kodesh… A Holy _______________ Place
2. The Merkevah…The Throne _________________ of God .
3. The Heavens….HaShamayim “There is Water”
Several views of it in the Scriptures: (Isaiah 6:2 Ezekiel 10:1)
C .Description of the One sitting on the Throne
1. Stones of ______________. They reflect _____________ Light.
2. The Waters of Heaven ___________Light.
The Bible says “He wraps Himself in Light”. His Light is His Glory!
D. Description of His Throne: (Around, From and Before)
1. Around The Throne:
Description of the 24 Elders on the Thrones
1. White Garments
2. Golden Crowns: Crown comes from “keren” (#7161) which means a “horn” or “ray”.
Isaiah 24:22-23 As it has been DONE in Heaven, So shall it be done on Earth!
2. From The Throne.
1. Flashes of Lightning 2. Sounds / Voices 3. Peals of Thunder
3. Before The Throne: Something LIKE a sea of glass.
Q. What is the substance of HaShamayim? A. __________.
This glassy sea is the “expanse” referred to Genesis 1.
Ezekiel 1:22 and describes it the Hebrew as “____________ ____________”.
E. The Creation Equation: ___ Becomes ___ So That It Can Become ____ Again
Genesis 1:6-8 1. The Division of the HaShamayim (Division of the Waters)
Genesis 1:9-10 The Division of the Lower Waters
The Mikvah…The _______________of the waters.
Genesis 2:21-23 Humanity Man and Woman
I Kings 11:30-38 Israel and Judah (Joseph and Judah)
F. The Doctrine of the Tikun Olam. The rejoining of the upper Lower worlds as ___________.
II. THE GREAT ASSEMBLY Revelation 4:7-8
A. Three Majesties Present in the Throne:
#1.The Seven Spirits of God (7 Menorahs)
Isaiah 11:1-2 The Menorah of Gods 7 Fold Spirit
There is a physical reality for every heavenly one.
There are living realities for every spiritual quality of God.
#2. The 24 Elders on 24 Thrones
Q. Where have I seen them below?
1. I Chronicles 24 24 Divisions of the Priesthood
2. The Altar Service: 24 Daily Witnesses to the Evening and Morning Sacrifices.
#3. The Four Living Beings
1. Ezekiel they are known by the term: Chayrot = Living Beings (#2416)
B. Where did we see God’s Throne on the Earth?
A. The Tabernacle Encampment of the Tribes of Israel: (Numbers 2)
Lion / East (Judah, Zebulon, Issachar)
Ox / West (Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin)
Man / South ( Reuben, Gad Simeon)
Eagle / North (Dan, Asher, Naphtali)
Q. Where is Levi? Levi come from Lev which means __________. Levi serves at the
Heart of the Tabernacle.
C. Two more descriptions are given:
1. Six Wings Ezekiel seems to say they had 4 wings until you read Ezekiel 1:23.
2. Full of Eyes in around and within”
24 Hours a Day Seven Days A Week 12 Months A Year
A. A Book is seen in the Right Hand of God.
B. Two Ancient Jewish Sources shed some AMAZING LIGHT on this:
#1 The Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 Column 2
Makes Three Amazing Connections:
a. To Proclaim the Favorable Year of the LORD (Isaiah 61:1)
which is the Year of ______________ (The Restoration of ALL Things)
b. It will occur on the Day of___________________.
c. The High Priest who will accomplish this great Jubilee Restoration
The Tikun Olam (reunification of the upper and lower worlds)
#2. The Zohar a mystical Jewish commentary on on Psalms 110.
The Right Hand of God is the Place reserved for the __________ Restoration
#3. Toledoths of Genesis (The Generations or Legacies)
The Toledoth, The Legacy of Jacob/Israel is told in the story of His Two Sons:
a. Joseph who becomes the paradigm of the Suffering Servant (Genesis 37 )
b. Judah who becomes the King and restores Righteousness to the Earth (Genesis 38):
C. Three Descriptions of the Book:
1. Written inside 2. And on the back 3. Sealed with 7 Seals
Q. Where have we seen this before?
A. Ezekiel 2:8-10 “And it was inscribed with history and destiny”
Q. Who is this angel? Zechariah 6:1-8 “the strong ones” Most likely Gabriel.
D. The Implication of his question and the seven seals:
1. It has been sealed by God.
2. A book of inheritance. Only the rightful heir has the legal right to open it.
3. John Weeps because he fears the ________________is lost.
A. The Golden Harps
1. Every Hebrew Letter is Portrait
2. Every Hebrew Letter is Number
3. Every Hebrew Letter is a ___________ Note on the Harps of Heaven
The Temple Harp had 22 Strings just like the Hebrew alphabet.
B. The Golden Bowls of Incense That Altar of Incense is Most Holy. Psalm 141:1-2.
The World is designed based on the Throne. The Merkevah
1. The Eyes or Wells of Water and Light
2. The Living Water flowing from under His Throne IN us.