Warnings against False Teachers

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” 1 Timothy 4:1-2

Dr. Ed Hindson in this show points to the Radicalization of Christianity. His clear concise teaching helps us to understand a complex issue in a nutshell. How does today’s Church think in a Post Modern worldview with open theism, relativism?  These ultimately lead one to materialism or mysticism.  World Prophetic Ministry, Inc   Dr. Ed Hindson is the President of World Prophetic Ministry and Bible Teacher on The King Is Coming telecast. He is also the Assistant Chancellor and Dean of the Institute of Biblical Studies at Liberty University in Virginia. Dr. Hindson previously served as the associate pastor of the 9,000-member Rehoboth Baptist Church in Atlanta.

The Radicalization of Christianity Emergent Leaders

[bctt tweet=”Emergent Church leaders like Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Tony Jones, & Bob Buford have…”]

The Rise of THe Apostate Church



Dr. Edward Hindson poses for portrait. February 12, 2010. (Photo by Les Schofer)

Dr. Edward Hindson poses for portrait. February 12, 2010. (Photo by Les Schofer)

Besides teaching thousands of students each week, he is an active conference speaker and a prolific writer. Ed has written over 40 books, including Final Signs; Approaching Armageddon, and Is the Antichrist Alive and Well? He has served as the editor of five major Study Bibles, including the Gold Medallion Award-winning Knowing Jesus Study Bible (Zondervan) and the best-selling King James Study Bible (Thomas Nelson). He is currently co-editing the new 16-volume Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary series on the New Testament (AMG).World Prophetic Ministry, Inc

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