By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. Specifically, we are missing what our Islamist enemies call their ‘civilization jihad’ — a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance. Together, these have the effect of exploiting our liberties and governing structures against us, so that our leaders wind up imposing the very anti-American values that our enemies promote.  A must see 10 part video course by Center for Security Policy.

Enemy Within: The Muslim Brotherhood

Welcome to [bctt tweet=”Welcome to The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within — a 10-part, web-based video briefing”]

It addresses a threat most Americans are unaware even exists within our country, let alone the degree of peril it represents.

The threat is the totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine its adherents call “shariah” and the organized, disciplined and increasingly successful efforts by such adherents– most especially the Muslim Brotherhood– to bring it here.

We are making this course available in the hope of encouraging, informing and broadening support for national efforts to defeat the insinuation into this country of shariah’s anti-constitutional and seditious program.

Center for Security Policy – YouTube


Center For Security Policy


The Muslim Brotherhood in America | A Course in 10 Parts Presented by Frank Gaffney


Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within – YouTube

This Course draws exclusively upon information in the public domain and that obtained from  first-hand accounts.  There is, assuredly, considerably more information that would be helpful to making to a full threat assessment.  The findings below, based solely on what is currently available, should prompt those with access to classified information, subpoena power and other investigative tools to bring them to bear urgently for that purpose.

  1. Shariah is a totalitarian, brutally repressive and supremacist doctrine.  Its adherents – notably, the Muslim Brotherhood – seek to bring it here.
  2. Shariah is principally about power, not faith.  Accordingly, acting to realize its political end of overthrowing the U.S. government is seditious and must be prosecuted, not treated as protected religious practice.
  3. The Brotherhood is not a non-violent group.  Rather, in most countries where it operates including the United States, it is in a pre-violent phase.
  4. The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan, the group’s mission in America is a “civilization-jihadist process…a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within” by our hands.
  5. The Muslim Brotherhood’s civilization jihad is being pursued through stealthy means involving the penetration and subversion of this country’s civil society and governing institutions.  Presidencies of both parties have been compromised in this way.
  6. One determinant of the success of such a stealthy, pre-violent jihad is what the military calls “information dominance.”  If the Muslim Brotherhood can exercise it, we can be kept ignorant of the true nature of the threat they pose – and the progress they are making in bringing shariah to America.  That has been substantially the case over the past ten years and increasingly of late.
  7. The Muslim Brotherhood was helped in its efforts to achieve information dominance over the George W. Bush administration, thanks to collaboration between a top Muslim Brotherhood operative, Abdurahman Alamoudi, and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist.
  8. In addition to al Qaeda financier Alamoudi, Norquist helped mainstream in the Bush campaign and/or administration five other Muslims with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  They were: the Islamic Free Market Institute’s Khalid Saffuri, CAIR’s Nihad Awad, Palestinian Jihad’s Sami al-Arian, the Fiqh Council’s Muzzamil Siddiqi and Suhail Khan, a former staffer for Rep. Tom Campbell of California.
  9. In his capacity as the de facto Muslim gatekeeper in the Office of Public Liaison under senior Bush advisor Karl Rove, and then as an assistant in the personal office of the Secretary of Transportation, Khan had, at a minimum, an opportunity to facilitate the penetration of other Islamists.
  10. Both during and after the Bush administration, Norquist has used various organizations to promote Islamist agendas.  These have included Red-Green coalitions made up of radical and other leftists and Muslim Brotherhood front groups with whom they routinely make common cause, to the detriment of U.S. security, constitutional freedoms and other interests.
  11. Norquist has worked for years to “create relations with top political leaders and Muslims.”  Of late, that has included running such Muslims for elective office as Republicans.  Three of his protégés – Kamal Nawash, Faisal Gill and Imad “David” Ramadan – have met with mixed results in their runs for state legislative seats in Virginia thanks to troubling questions about their backgrounds and associations.
  12. Norquist continues to support Islamist agenda items and to work to counter initiatives opposed by the Brothers.  In the process, he has collaborated with radical leftists and Islamists in Red-Green Coalitions, the latter include Iranian influence operations.
  13. The precedents, personnel and policies promoted by Norquist and his friends during the George W. Bush administration have metastasized dramatically under that of President Obama.
  14. Notably, six Islamist-sympathizers have achieved positions within or advisory roles serving Team Obama:  Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Rashad Hussein; Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Huma Abedein; Presidential advisor Dalia Mogahed; FBI Citizens Academy graduate Kifah Mustafa; Homeland Security Advisory Committee Member Mohamed Elibiary and Homeland Security Countering Violent Extremism Working Group Member Mohamed Magid.
  15. The conduct of seven key federal agencies suggests the considerable success of the Muslim Brotherhood in destroying us from within by our own hands – starting with the policies and directives emanating from the Oval Office and elsewhere in the White House complex, and including the priorities and activities of: the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Departments of State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security and even NASA.
  16. There are myriad steps Americans can – and must – take to counter this civilization jihad.  Some can be undertaken as individuals; some through organized efforts; and others as a nation.

In light of these findings, there is an urgent need for rigorous congressional oversight and investigations aimed at exposing the extent of the civilization jihad – and the need for corrective action aimed at countering it, particularly by federal authorities.  Such legislative branch initiatives should be accompanied by corresponding actions initiated by Inspectors General and, as appropriate, law enforcement.

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