Dispensational Israelology – Israel Future – Israel and the Messianic Kingdom, Session 16:  What is Israelology?  It is the doctrine of Israel and this topic covers 5/6th’s of the Bible.  One’s view of Israel is key in determining one’s theology. This groundbreaking study investigates four approaches to the theology of Israel past, present, and future; and scrutinizes beliefs that tend to confuse the identities of both Israel and the Church. Amazingly, this groundbreaking work is the first to create an entire systematic theology of all that the Scriptures say in regard to the people of Israel. As such, Israelology fills a tremendously neglected void, while affecting nearly every other segment of systematic theology and directly addressing a crucial point of division in evangelical theology today.  18 Sessions in all.

Session 16 of 18 given by Dr. Fruchtenbaum given at These courses are designed for graduate seminary students pursuing degrees and/or auditing classes related to a Master’s degree in theological studies (M.A. or Th.M.).   Click the link below to open in window and pdf outline below.  Amos37 recommends the book and for those who like video, a very reasonably priced DVD series is available.

Israelology Session 16

Dispensational Israelology – Israel Future – Israel and the Messianic Kingdom Session 16: Audio Link


Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s masterful book, written over a 13-year period to earn his Ph.D. from New York University, exhaustively surveys every aspect of Israel from the perspective of four major schools of theology (postmillennialism, amillennialism, premillennialism, and dispensationalism). Its far-reaching conclusion is that only the last, with its clear distinction between Israel and the Church, can, in fact, provide a systematized biblical doctrine of Israel. But even dispensationalists—while organizing every other major Scriptural theme from the Church (Ecclesiology) to Salvation (Soteriology) to Last Days (Eschatology)—have failed to develop a systematic theology of one of the Bible’s most integral subjects, Israel. Until now.  Purchase book here from Ariel Ministries. Pdf outline at bottom of page.

 More From Chafer Theological Seminary

If you intend to receive academic credit for these courses then you must register with Chafer Theological Seminary and order the course material through them.  

DVD series recorded at Chafer Theological Seminary can be purchased here.  Approximate Running Time: Over 19 hours, on 10 DVDs. 

Contents of Textbook

  • Introduction
  • Covenant Postmillennialism: Definition and Basic Tenets
  • The Israelology of Covenant Postmillennialism
  • Covenant Amillennialism: Definition and Basic Tenets
  • The Israelology of Covenant Amillennialism
  • Covenant Premillennialism: Definition and Basic Tenets
  • The Israelology of Covenant Premillennialism
  • Dispensationalism: Definition and Basic Tenets
  • The Israelology of Dispensationalism
  • A Dispensational Israelology
  • Appendices

Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, one of the foremost authorities on the nation of Israel, is a messianic believer and founder and director of Ariel Ministries, a Texas-based organization dedicated to evangelism and discipleship of Jewish people.

About Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

Ariel Ministries: Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum   His testimony.

Dr. Fruchtenbaum was born in Siberia after his father was released from a communist prison there. Aided by the Israeli underground, the Fruchtenbaum family escaped from behind the Iron Curtain. While living in Germany from 1947 to 1951, Arnold received Orthodox training from his father – who had himself been reared to assume Chasidic (ultra-orthodox Jewish) leadership in Poland, only to later lose most of his family and his faith to the Holocaust. The Fruchtenbaums immigrated to New York, and five years later, at age 13, Arnold came to saving faith.

Before receiving his doctorate from New York University in 1989, Dr. Fruchtenbaum earned his Th. M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. His graduate work also includes studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Having lived in Israel for three years, Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s intensive study of the role of that nation in God’s plan of world redemption has made him a much in-demand speaker at Bible conferences and schools throughout the world.

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