We at Amos37 are very happy to announce a partnership with brother James who has several sites that defend Gods word, expose the deceptions in the Church and build up those in the most Holy faith.  We will post and feature several series of articles to help further the ministry of Gods word.  The following is a hard look at Evangelicals and Catholics together???  ECT.  “The most significant event in almost 500 years of church history took place March 29, 1994. Leading evangelicals and Catholics signed a joint declaration, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium.” The document overturns the Reformation and does incalculable damage to the cause of Christ.”

Mother of Harlots  Evangelicals & ECT Emerges

~~ by James Fire

In this article, we will look at a document that was established in March of ’94 called the E.C.T. (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) and associated organizations whose goals are the same.

We will also consider how the Emergent Church Movement is likewise compromising evangelical, Bible-based Christianity to conform to ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that are more in line with Roman Catholicism than they are with scripture.

Also, we’ll see how both elements are effectually working together to germinate that which is seen in scripture as The MOTHER of HARLOTS as found in Revelation Ch. 17, will be addressed.

First, a bit of history: LAMBASTE By LUTHER –

In the year 1517 in the city of Wittenberg, Germany the echoing sound of Martin Luther’s hammer was heard by those who passed by the castle church where he pastored as a priest in the Roman Catholic church.

This was the famous 95 Theses that he wrote up in protest against some (certainly not all) of the practices of the Roman Catholic church. To view this document, please look at this site:

Luther’s 95 Theses

As you may have observed, Martin’s primary concern was the abuse of the church preying upon the laity in coercing indulgences for the remission of sins, and to relieve those banished to purgatory so that they could enter heaven more expeditiously.

In what’s been known as the Protestant Reformation there have been many before Martin Luther, and many after him, that have oppossed the Roman Catholic church for the heresies it promoted through the centuries; doctrinal errors that they still adhere to today, regardless of any supposed changes ‘for the better’ out of Vatican II.


Many such souls who adhered to “sola fide” and “sola scriptora” (that is, “by faith alone in grace alone is a soul saved, meaning that one is justified by Christ’s atoning work on the cross, without any merit or works involved in said process” and “by the scriptures, which are the Word of God we have our ultimate and singular authority for the church, without need of a pope, cardinal, bishop or priest” respectively) and sought to protect the scriptures in their pure form (Textus Receptus) which the Roman Catholic church actively sought to destroy, as well as those who refused to submit to the dogmas of the church. Such concepts as “sola fide” and “sola scriptora” are opposed still by the Roman Catholic church.

Jews in the past, and even today see Gentiles as ‘Christians’ and are loathe to trust them, particularly European Gentiles as these are perceived as the very same Christians who were responsible for the Holocaust; Hitler and Mussolini, in the minds of the Jews were ‘Christians’ when in fact they were Roman Catholics (by name). Talk to any Jewish person, and they’d be surprised to learn that the Roman Catholic church murdered more Christians than they ever did Jews! It’s a historical fact that in one afternoon, one Pope murdered more Christians than any Roman Caesar during his entire reign!

Dave Hunt quotes historian Peter De Rosa:

The history of the church became the history of heresies and the persecution of those who opposed them. Historian Peter de Rosa, himself a Roman Catholic, admits that Catholicism became “the most persecuting faith the world has ever seen…. [Pope] Innocent III murdered far more Christians in one afternoon…than any Roman emperor did in his entire reign.”8 Will Durant writes candidly,

Compared with the persecution of heresy [by the Roman Catholic Church] …the persecution of Christians by [pagan] Romans…was a mild and humane procedure.9

To read the entire article in all its disturbing details, read the following:

A History of Heresies

Christians such as the Waldenses and the Albigeneans as well as the Anabaptists and others throughout the centuries were ruthlessly sought out, persecuted, tortured and killed for their refusal to bow the knee to Rome. Christians held on tenaciously to the Holy Scriptures and to their teachings of “salvation by grace, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, apart from the use of sacraments as instruments of conveyance.”

Please understand its not my intention to promote hatred of Roman Catholics, bigotry or unnecessary opposition (I was once a Roman Catholic myself that intended on entering the priesthood); what my intentions are is that we accurately recognize the doctrinal differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the Bible, and that we as Christians remain distinct and uncompromised against influences that would seek to homogenize all Christian bodies, churches, and fellowships in unity with that church or a world religious movement which is inevitably coming on the global scene!

In the last two decades, evangelicals who claimed to believe the same things as these Protestants from ages before have joined hands with the Roman Catholic church, stating that there is no essential difference between themselves and their R.C.C. counterparts!


I speak primarily of the E.C.T. or “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” an Agreement between Catholics and Protestants (most especially evangelical, Bible believing Christians) that would ensure no evangelization or proselytizing between them; they made an agreement that on the fundamentals of doctrine they are either in agreement, or simply disagree agreeably on what is thought to be peripheral and unimportant doctrinally!

It is the hope of those signers of the E.C.T. to, as they say, “Re-Christianize” society.

Noted author and speaker, Dave Hunt comments:

“J. I. Packer (like Charles Colson [whose wife is Roman Catholic]), in a four-page Christianity Today article, justified signing ECT even though he admits that evangelicals and Catholics have considerable ‘differences about salvation and the church….’

Says Packer, we must together seek “to re-Christianize the North American milieu… [and] rebuild the ruins…[of] North American culture. In fact, no such ‘mission’ was ever assigned by Christ or pursued by early Christians!

“Promoting the same error, Christianity Today declared that ECT ‘should have been prepared and signed by all evangelicals three decades ago.’ Senior Editor Kenneth S. Kantzer wrote, ‘With the spread of moral rot that destroys the roots of a free and just society, we evangelicals need to close ranks with our Catholic neighbors. And with Mormons, conservative Jews, and secularists who share our values….’ Try to imagine Jesus or Paul in such an alliance!

“. . . devotion to political/social action encourages apostate ecumenism is clear. While admitting that ‘the doctrine of justification by faith…separates evangelicals and all Catholics,’ Kantzer approves E.C.T.’s declaration that ‘Attempts by evangelicals to win converts from Catholics…’ undermine the Christian mission.’ What new Christian mission is this that denies the gospel to those who need it?! ECT bluntly says it is not “theologically legitimate” to evangelize ‘active’ Catholics!

“One would have to be blind not to perceive that much of the evangelical church is now following the same path of political / social action which Fuller Seminary has taken into compromise and ecumenism. Somewhere down this path an apostate church will welcome Antichrist. Only 35 short years ago Roman Catholicism was included among the “Modern Cults” about which Harold Lindsell warned his students in a course by that name at Fuller.4

“Today, in spite of its false gospel of works and ritual which millions of martyrs faithfully opposed to the death, Catholicism is embraced by our most trusted evangelical leaders!”

For more of this article, please visit:

A Deadly Embrace by Evangelicals

To understand the essential differences between the dogmas of the Roman Catholic church and Biblical doctrine, please read the following newsletter from TBC:

Traditional Dogma vs. Inspired Doctrine

List of Signers NAMES of E.C.T.-

More from Dave Hunt regarding this most significant and rather alarming event following:

“The most significant event in almost 500 years of church history took place March 29, 1994. Leading evangelicals and Catholics signed a joint declaration, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium.” The document overturns the Reformation and does incalculable damage to the cause of Christ.”

Such notable signers of this ECT document are: Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, R. J. Neuhaus, a Roman Catholic priest; J.I. Packer, John White: president of Geneva College and former president of the National Association of Evangelicals; the heads of the Home Mission Board and Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination; Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusaders for Christ; Mark Noll of Wheaton College; Os Guinness, Jesse Miranda, Richard Mouw, president of Fuller Seminary; Herbert Schlossberg and Roberts Simmonds.

Here are some quotes made by evangelicals re: Roman Catholic doctrine and the unity that supposedly exists between this church and evangelical views as stated by some of its leaders:

“I found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of Orthodox Roman Catholic.” –Dr. Billy Graham (18)

“We (Catholics and Evangelicals –ed) have differences, but on the ancient creeds and core beliefs of Christianity, we stand together.” –Charles Colson (19)

“I don’t know anyone more dedicated to the great doctrines of Christianity than the Catholics.” –W. A. Criswell (20)

“I am eradicating the word ‘protestant’ from my vocabulary . . . it’s time for Catholics and non-Catholics to come together as one.” –Paul Crouch (21)

“In all the Pope’s writings…he has hundreds and hundreds of Bible verses. If I dare to say there are less [sic] than seven to ten thousand Bible verses in the new catechism, backing everything they say, I wouldn’t be exaggerating. And he makes a statement and backs it with the Word of God. “–Jack Van Impe (22)

UPDATE (2-22-10) on ECUMENISM Between Roman Catholics, Protestants and “Other Christian Communities”:

Symposium For Ecumenism Held on 2-15-10


Another aspect of this amalgamation of the R.C.C. and Evangelical Christians is something that was formed 4 years prior to the E.C.T. called: PROMISE KEEPERS –

“In 1990, an organization was formed that has the potential to ignite the flames of ecumenism already present in the “evangelical community” into a raging inferno. This organization is Promise Keepers.

Promise Keepers (PK) was birthed into existence by former University of Colorado football coach, Bill McCartney (A Roman Catholic who has become a convert to charismaticism since visiting the Vineyard Fellowship Group in Boulder, CO).

PK has as its basic premise “to see men become the spiritual leaders in their homes and make a moral impact on their communities” (24). The book, The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper, goes even further to declare that the book is “for any male who wants to: know his Creator better, be closer to his wife and children, tear down the walls of division [?], see the entire world come to know God’s love” (25).

This all sounds very pious and spiritual. However, based on the rampant ecumenism of our time, red flags should immediately be raised concerning “tear down the walls of division” and “see the entire world come to know God’s love.” What are these walls of division? At what point in time is this reference to seeing “the entire world come to know God’s love?”

“Found within these two goals of Promise Keepers is a conduit to connect many “evangelicals” and other conservative Christians to the effort to build the One World Church. The second goal, “to see the entire world come to know God’s love,” needs to be addressed first.

While the Lord Jesus Christ did indeed command His disciples to “go into the whole world and preach the gospel . . .” (Mark 16:15), nowhere does the Bible state that the entire world will know God’s love prior to the Millennial Reign of Christ.

There exists a theological belief system among some Evangelicals and Charismatics known as Dominion Theology. This theological system, led by notable Charismatics Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and others declares the earth will be ruled by or come under the dominion of the Church.”

But what Church here will do the ruling? is the question in my mind. It seems progressively and more apparently clearer that the Roman Catholic church is seeking a unity among churches and even all world religions, spearheaded by Rome herself, forming a global church to spiritually reign over all the world; a direct fulfillment of “Dominion” and “Kingdom Now” theology and goals! As well as the theology and goals of the Roman Catholic Church!

To read more from the source of these quotes, and information regarding PROMISE KEEPERS, please look at (which has volumes of extremely valuable information on this subject):

From Faithful Witness To Worldly Religion


Now returning to Dave Hunt, he continues:

“Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition will not witness to their “partners in action” for fear of offending them and breaking up the coalition. Such compromise laid the foundation for this alliance—a development monitored closely and approved by the Vatican.

“. . . I believe the document represents the most devastating blow against the gospel in at least 1,000 years. Already the declaration is being translated into Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and Russian for circulation throughout Latin America and Eastern Europe.’ Soon it will have a revolutionary impact worldwide.

“Having carefully read the 25-page fifth draft marked ‘Not for general circulation,’ I appreciate the loving concern for both truth and unity expressed therein. Some key differences between Catholics and evangelicals are noted without compromise. But the most important difference—what it means to be saved—is not mentioned and, in fact, is directly denied.

“Amazingly, the document claims that all Catholics are Christians, hold the same faith as evangelicals, and are our “brothers and sisters in Christ.” If so, then the Reformation was a tragic mistake which we all must denounce! On this sad juncture in church history, the last words of Hugh Latimer ring in our conscience. Bound back-to-back to the stake with Nicholas Ridley, Latimer, England’s most effective gospel preacher at that time, was heard to exclaim as the flames engulfed them,

“Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day, by God’s grace, light such a candle in England as I pray shall never be put out.”

“How incredible that the last spark of that Reformation “candle” is now being extinguished by evangelical leaders who owe so much to the very faithfulness of such martyrs!”

To read this article in its entirety please click on the following link:

The Gospel Betrayed


Yet for all of this avoidance of evangelizing Roman Catholics by Evangelical Christians, the Roman Catholic church has stepped up its endeavors to convert Evangelicals! E.C.T. is all about compromising the Biblical beliefs of Christians and conditioning them in endorsing Roman Catholic views, dogmas, beliefs and agendas.

Any Roman Catholic that comes forward at a Billy Graham Crusade is referred back to Roman Catholic parishes from which they came. Bishops and cardinals joyously receive a Billy Graham Crusade in their cities for its then that their attendance at Mass increases significantly.

Evangelicals and Protestants are themselves becoming enamored with such Roman Catholic trappings as rituals and practices as seen demonstrated at any Mass, a devotion to the teachings of “Early Church Fathers (Roman Catholics) who were also founders of the Mystic movement, as well as an inordinate affection and even worship of Mary!

From Christianity Today, an article by Chris Armstrong entitled “Monastic Evangelicals” tells of this peculiar phenomena:

Monastic Evangelicals

“A growing number of evangelicals—younger evangelicals in particular—are maturing the movement in another way. They are taking their newfound love affair with Christian tradition and the early church beyond the realm of books and talk and into their churches and Christian lives. Covenant’s Kenneth Stewart noted at the Wheaton conference that more and more traditionally evangelical congregations are now experimenting with advent candles, sampling practices associated with Lent, and marking Holy Week with special services like Tenebrae—an evening service featuring songs, readings, and the gradual extinguishing of lights to represent Christ’s death.

“One aspect of these disciplines that has captured the imaginations of evangelicals is monasticism. In The New Faithful (2004), Colleen Carroll Campbell believes the public love affair with things monastic surged with the 1996 publication of Benedictine oblate Kathleen Norris’s The Cloister Walk. Among evangelicals, the trend has extended to retreats at Catholic monasteries, recovery of Celtic spirituality, and observance of the divine hours. Not surprisingly (given the biblical focus of evangelicals), the slow, meditative monastic prayer technique called the lectio divina has captivated many. They have taken up the practice guided by such books as the three-volume Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle, The Rhythm of God’s Grace: Uncovering Morning and Evening Hours of Prayer by Mennonite professor Arthur Boers, and a book for youth, Divine Intervention: Encountering God Through the Ancient Practice of Lectio Divina, by Minneapolis Emergent leader Tony Jones.”

In a related article called “The Future Lies in the Past” by Chris Armstrong, he writes concerning a very influential church leader and seminarian, Robert Webber had this to say:

“If only the man behind the conference, the elder statesman of ‘ancient-future faith,’ could have been there to watch the excitement of young and old conferees alike. But Robert Webber of Northern Seminary (and formerly of Wheaton) could not be present. He was in the late stages of cancer. His chair at the conference banquet table was vacant, as colleagues stood to honor his influence on them personally and on the whole church. Weeks after the conference, evangelical Christianity lost its premier ambassador for reengagement with history.

“In 1978, Webber had begun his groundbreaking Common Roots: A Call to Evangelical Maturity by throwing down the gauntlet:

“‘My argument is that the era of the early church (A.D. 100–500), and particularly the second century, contains insights which evangelicals need to recover.’ “

“Twenty-five years later, he could rejoice in the pages of his Younger Evangelicals that they ‘want to immerse themselves in the past and form a culture that is connected to the past, a culture that remembers its tradition as it moves into the future.’ Webber observed—with what we now know was not mere wishful thinking—that evangelicals had entered the new millennium by surging into the past.”


From: “A Warm Protestant Welcome for Mary” by Richard Covington we read:
– Posted January 25, 2008

Protestands Welcome Marian Veneration

“Time was, for Protestants, that the Virgin Mary was a once-a-year thing. ‘We dragged Mary out at Christmas along with the angels and placed her at center stage,’ says religious essayist Kathleen Norris. ‘Then we packed her safely in the crèche box for the rest of the year.’ That attitude, Norris and other Protestants say, has long denied the mother of Jesus her rightful place in Christian tradition.”

“Today, more and more Protestants are welcoming Mary back into their spiritual lives. Several new books by Protestant authors have spurred new interest in the Virgin Mother. And a joint Anglican-Catholic commission recently announced a landmark accord on Mary that could help bridge the gap between the two denominations. Mary’s story, says Beverly Gaventa, a New Testament scholar at Princeton University and the coeditor of the book Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary, “is a wonderful example of divine grace that Protestants have neglected.

It was seen as Catholic territory, but now the lines between denominations are dropping.”

“Like many Protestants, Norris says she learned next to nothing about Mary from her Methodist and Congregational upbringing, but after spending time in Benedictine monasteries she grew to identify with her. ‘Like Mary, I am invited each day to bring Christ into the world in my prayers, thoughts, and actions,’ she says.”


The Roman Catholic church has had a tradition of downplaying the importance of scripture, stating that its authority is no greater than and sometimes subordinate to church tradition as established by the various Popes throughout the centuries.

The Roman Catholic church has had a tradition of salvation by works and good deeds as exemplified in the Seven Sacraments, and denying the efficacy of Christ’s atonement on the cross via His shed blood which alone is necessary and sufficient for salvation by faith in God’s Word and His provisional Grace afforded to all who surrender any effort in proving their self-worth.

The Roman Catholic church has had a tradition of a high liturgy in their services; by this we mean a greater emphasis on the sensual aspects of worship such as lighted candles, incense, anointing oils and ashes, holy water, bells, dimly lit sanctuaries, the erection of iconic statues and stained glass windows, chants, etc.

The Roman Catholic church has had a traditon (little known among the average Catholics, to say nothing of evangelical Christians who believe in the scriptures) of mysticism, meditation, visions, signs and wonders, miracles and spiritual power particularly from holy relics as their source (such as the bones or possessions of long dead saints, objects held sacred by ancient churches, etc).

Astonishingly there is another ecclesial body of ‘believers’ whose conduct of worship and views of spiritual truth are in the same vein as the Roman Catholic church; this movement has lured, corralled and seduced many evangelical believers, and most especially prominent pastors and Christian leadership here in America into their fold.

This is none other than the Emergent Church Movement (ECM) and it’s the expressed opinion of this writer that the ECM is working covertly to bring the church in America in alignment with dogmas, practices and beliefs that mirror the Roman Catholic church. It’s the, as yet unproven, suspicion of this writer that the agents of the ECM are working in conjunction with, even perhaps in compliance to the orders of the Roman Church, via the Order of the Jesuits, that body of priests who were formed with the expressed intent of the Popes to bring wayward Catholics and unbelievers into Roman Catholicism! Historically speaking they did so by violence and torture if necessary!

We will examine the beliefs, statements and endorsed practices of Emergent Church Leaders in the second article of “The MOTHER of HARLOTS EMERGES.”

So, until next time, I pray that the LORD Jesus Christ continues to keep all of us, His saints, in the grace and peace, love and joy of our Heavenly FATHER, amen!

Brother James Fire

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