Here at Amos37 we recognize that few people have been prepared for today to ministrer like Ed Decker, founder of Saints Alive, was a Mormon for 20 years of his adult life. He was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions. Through a crisis in his life, Ed met the real Jesus and his life was changed forever. An active author, speaker and evangelist, Ed has brought the light of Biblical truth to uncountable thousands of those lost in spiritual darkness. Today, the work of Saints Alive Ministries has expanded worldwide and includes ministry to other groups such as the Masonic Lodge.
About Saints Alive
Home | Saints Alive in Jesus Welcome to Saints Alive in Jesus!AndThe Decker Report
We are an “Apologetics” group, evangelical in nature and generate research and study material, comparing groups such as Mormonism and Freemasonry with orthodox Christianity. While our major ministry areas deal with Mormonism and Freemasonry, you will find numerous other world religions such as Islam, as well as cult groups and issues within the Christian Church covered.
We are a Christian nonprofit corporation founded upon the call of God to witness Jesus to those lost in Mormonism and other cults. Many of us are “Born Again” ex-Mormons who have found the Real Jesus Christ and have received him as our Lord and Savior. Our staff and fellow workers are people who feel the clear and unmistakable call of God to minister Jesus Christ, in love, to the cults and have the solid witness of the indwelling Christ.
About Ed Decker
Ed Decker, founder of Saints Alive, was a Mormon for 20 years of his adult life. He was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions. Through a crisis in his life, Ed met the real Jesus and his life was changed forever. An active author, speaker and evangelist, Ed has brought the light of Biblical truth to uncountable thousands of those lost in spiritual darkness. Today, the work of Saints Alive Ministries has expanded worldwide and includes ministry to other groups such as the Masonic Lodge.
What do we believe?
We hold that the Holy Bible is God’s inerrant eternal Word and is the sole, final authority for faith and practice; that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, Almighty God come in the flesh and humanity’s only Savior; and that God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone will gain our entrance into the Kingdom of God. We believe in the Trinitarian nature of God as taught in the Bible, believing God was in Christ redeeming the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in good works as a result of, rather than a means of salvation. We believe that the New Testament church, the Body of Christ, has never apostatized and is alive and well today, called to win the lost to Christ and expecting His soon return!
Read more about Ed at
Listen to Ed’s weekly Radio program
Available every Monday Morning
The Decker Report
as Ed discusses world events from a Biblical perspective,
bringing reason to unreasonable times.
Saints Alive In Jesus
P.O. Box 1347
Issaquah, Wa 98027
To Email Ed Decker:
[email protected]
Ed’s personal testimony Out of Mormonism Download
Audio Library Resouces here from Saints Alive
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I am an ex-mormon for Jesus. I have followed Ed Decker and Eric Barger for many years. Praise God for sites like this. Looking forward to many an hour spent perusing your site and learning from it!
Mary, Praise God!
My mom was a Mormon for years. She was delivered and left Mormonism.