This movement is worth looking into what they teach.  Many well-intentioned Christians are being duped by this emotionally driven movement.  Amos37 gives Joel’s Army it’s the highest warning.  There are many new revelations and new winds of doctrine sweeping the Church today. Sensationalism seems to be the guiding light leading souls into extremes that are very far from the Truth that is laid out clearly in the Word of God. “Joel’s Army” is one term among many that are all being used to describe the same teaching. We hear much about the “New Breed,” “New Wave,” etc. All of the terms cited below represent basically the same teaching. Where does it come from? Where is it going? This booklet attempts to layout a clear basis for understanding so that you can further your study.

Joel’s Army Overview


If you are not willing to have your pet teaching questioned, is it because it will not stand in the Light of God’s Word? Beware! The purpose of this writing is to warn the Church – be prepared at all times to give a reason for the hope that is within you! Be willing to stand straight and tall and say, “But, it is written.” In other words, back up your stand with Scripture. God has given us His Word for the final authority. His Word is relevant for today. Joel’s Army, New Breed, Overcomers, First-Fruits, Elijah Company, The Bride, Manifested Sons of God, Phineas Priesthood, New Wineskin, New Wave, Latter Rain.

Who is Joels Army New Breed Video Joel Ch 2 Revelation

This Gnostic approach to the Bible diffuses into the Church to the point where some groups have lost the literal meaning of Scripture completely.

The Truth Behind Joel’s Army

Amos37 Audio Series that demonstrates the error of Kingdom Now/Dominionism that is part of Joel’s Army

[bctt tweet=”A collection of Biblical Resources on Joel’s Army. Who are they? The Dark Side of Dominionism”]

Kingdom Parables Series Sessions Index

Jesus gave 7 Kingdom Parables in Matthew 13.  The purpose of Parables is given to both conceal the truth to the unbeliever and to reveal a truth to the believers.  The picture Jesus and other scriptures paint a picture of tough conditions, treachery, apostasy and a prophetic picture of the overall Kingdom age.  It is widely misunderstood and we expose the notion that the Church as Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology teaches that the Church will or has to take over the world governments before Christ can come back.   This is the complete opposite of what the scriptures and Jesus taught.

Kingdom Parables Series Sessions Index

Session 01 is an introduction into the Kingdom parables Jesus taught in Matthew Ch. 13. We will take an In-depth view of what was the purpose, prophecy, and yes problems with the Kingdom with a variety of enemies corrupting the work and ministry of Gods word. This series is intended to help us discern what Jesus Himself said the Kingdom of Heaven would look at. Sure to inform and bless those with discernment. We will contrast these parables with the Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology that has created some unholy alliances. Shalom, Keith

Download Joel’s Army pdf Here

We will demonstrate using a consistent method of comparing scripture with scripture as Leaven in Matthew 13 & Matthew 16 and many others to show that apostasy and sin in the Church will be the high watermark of the last days.  Ultimately we will show that evil men will grow worse and worse 2 Timothy 3:13, Deceivers Matthew 24:4,5,11,24 Romans 16:18, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Ephesians 5:6-16, and the entire book of Revelation.

Ultimately the bible teaches that deceivers, false apostles, will get worse and worse as the day of the Lord approaches (The Tribulation & Daniel’s 70th week) like labor pains.  Read that as faster and harder, not better and better as the false prophets of Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology promote.  Why? Eschatology, the study of last things is grotesquely skewed with these Pollyanna prophets.  Ever notice while you are reading the old testament that all the false prophets were speaking nice soft words and telling the leadership that God is with you, you will prosper, etc…  So these are competing views of the way the Kingdom of God will be.  That’s why we have posted this series to demonstrate from the bible what keys we have been given to those who are of the household of faith.  Enjoy.

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Kingdom Parables Session 01


Kingdom Parables Session 02


Kingdom Parables Session 03


Kingdom Parables Session 04


Kingdom Parables Session 05


Kingdom Parables Session 06


Kingdom Parables Session 07


Kingdom Parables Session 08


Kingdom Parables Session 09


Kingdom Parables Session 10