Here at Amos37 we have listened and have followed some of the Christian news that Chris Rosebrough has broken over the years.  Chris runs multiple sites for apologetics and reports on various moves within the Christian Church.  Well informed and funny he tackels many thorny issues that most won’t touch.  Recent events have made Chris a target of the “good ole boy” mega Church club.  A great resource for informative information on many troubling movements inside the Chruch.

Chris Rosebrough

Chris Rosebrough holds a degree in Religious Studies and Biblical Languages from Concordia University, Irvine a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University and teaches Capo Valley Church in San Juan Capistrano, California and is the author of the blog Extreme Theology 

About Pirate Christian Radio

Pirates are vicious, cruel and heartless thieves, why would you name a Christian radio station after them?

“Pirate” radio stations are those that broadcast from outside of “the system”. We are no different. Now-a-days, far too many “Christian” radio stations have become havens for every absurd fad and all types of foul winds of bad doctrine that are blowing through the church. Sadly, the Gospel and sound doctrine have mysteriously disappeared from large segments of the ‘Christian’ airwaves. The system has become corrupted by false doctrine and false teaching. That is why it has become necessary for us to create a “pirate” Christian radio station.

Pirate Christian Radio is an online radio station that is free from the scurvy plagues of pop-psychology, goofy fads, self-help, pietism, purpose-drivenism, the prosperity heresy, contemplative mysticism, seeker-sensitivism, liberalism, relevantism, Emergent nonsense, and the sissy girly Oprah-fied religiosity that is being passed off as “Biblical Christianity”..

This station proclaims “Christ crucified for our sins” and exalts and defends THE historic Christian faith.

If you’re looking for “Biblical Principles” that will improve your financial situation, help you raise happier children or have a more fulfilling sex life then you’re NOT going to like Pirate Christian Radio.

But, if you are looking for Christian programming that is truly Christ Centered and proclaims the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection for your sins, then you will find Pirate Christian Radio to be a refreshing stream of living water that quenches the thirst of your soul.

Sample Chris and his informative and humorous approach to serious topics.

Other sites by Chris Rosebrough:

Extreme Theology 

Fighting for the Faith 

You can find Pirate Christian Radio banner on every page.


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